CARI bx guidelines 2019

Pre bx

  • Risk for bleeding hb <80 but not recommended to transfuse
  • Control BP <140 sys, no evidence (not in CARI, just my own feeling)
  • Ensure plts <50 and INR <1.5


  • Continue Aspirin if high risk
    • Within 3 months of bare metal or 12 months of drug eluting stent
    • Symptomatic myocardial ischemia
    • PVD (including PV stent)
    • Previous ischaemic stroke
  • Stop Aspirin if low risk for 3 days to prevent major bleeding, 7 to prevent minor
  • Stop ADP (clopidogrel / prasugrel) 5-7 days prior
  • Warfarin 5 days
  • DOAC (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban) 48-72 hours pre
  • Heparin 4-6 hours
  • LMWH 24 hours

CARI suggest bridging in high VTE risk

  • Mechanical mitral valve
  • Mechanical aortic + additional risk factors
  • APS
  • Embolic event in last 3 months
  • AF with CHADS2VASC 5 or 6 + previous thromboembolic event

Wait 24-48 hours before restarting anything


  • 0.3ug/kg IV 30 mins pre bx. No evidence either way.
  • If it has any role it would be in advanced CKD, uraemic patients.
  • If given, avoid excessive fluids obviously ( 6-8 hours)
  • Hypothetical risk of thrombosis = avoid in severe CV disease/vascular stent


  • 16 G needle, consider throw distance if possible
  • USS always, CT if tricky
  • Super aneterolateral position for obese / resp difficulty
  • Prone with pillow under abdo to splint kidneys for natives
  • Supine for tx

Post bx

  • 6-24 hours observation
  • Low risk patients 6-8 hours and same day discharge
  • Admit the higher risks for 24 hrs
    • Advanced CKD
    • AKI
    • HTN
    • >70 years old
    • Anticoagulation issues

Regular obs, check urine frequently

No heavy physical activity for 1-2 weeks


  • IV fluid resuscitation
  • CT angio
  • If prolonged urinary tract bleeding or post bx HTN screen for AVF (CT or US) – interventional radiology for initial management
  • Surgical team if radiologically failing