
HypoK & Alkalosis

Hyperaldo and pseudohyperaldosteronism.

Aldosterone controls K & H secretion and NA reabsorbtion via the ENAC channel on the cortical collecting duct epithelial cells

Therefore , hyper/pseudo hyper looks like the opposite of taking Spironolactone

i.e. HypoK & Alkalosis & HTN

Obvious overlap here with the monogenic causes of HTN - info on both pages

Adrenal hyperfunction / primary hyperaldosteronism

  • including adrenal adenoma, adrenal hyperplasia, and adrenal carcinoma.

Syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess


Autosomal dominant Gain of function of ENAC

Licorice ingestion = Syndrome of Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess

six tea bags of ‘Twinings Comforting’ liquorice tea dail

European licorice is worse than american stuff, more GZA

  • Remember, Aldosterone controls K & H secretion and NA reabsorbtion via the ENAC channel on the cortical collecting duct epithelial cells
  • Cortisol can also activate this but is converted to inactive cortisone by enzyme 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2. phew
  • Unless licorice inactivates the enzyme first!
  • The compound in licorice that is responsible for this enzyme inhibitory activity is glycyrrhetinic acid, which also has some mild mineralocorticoid activity.
  • This is the same as syndrome of apparant mineralocorticoid excess = mutations in the 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme that prevent proper conversion of cortisol into cortisone.
  • The European Union’s scientific committee on food recommends a daily upper limit of 100 mg for glycyrrhizin6 which is present in approximately 50g liquorice (assuming a content of 0.2% glycyrrhizin)
  • 11β-HSD2 can remain suppressed for 2 weeks or so after withdrawal of licorice, but the RAS axis can remain suppressed for months , perhaps 4
  • inhibition of 11β-HSD2 decreases the urinary ratio of cortisone metabolites to cortisol metabolites which is a diagnostic clue for this mechanism of secondary hypertension

Renal artery stenosis and renin secreting tumors.

  • elevated production and secretion of renin leading to hyperaldosteronism.

Renin:Aldosterone ratio

Liddle’s — low renin, low aldo (appropriate suppression in face of gained function) Licorice and SAME — low renin, low aldo ( body is responding appropriatly and shutting down in face of feedback) Renal artery stenosis and renin-secreting tumors — high renin, high aldo ( kidneys think blood flow is low) Adrenal hyperfunction — low renin, high aldo (appropriately suppressed renin)

Cushings and ectopic ACTH