dont need spikes on bx, subepithelial deposits on the EM will do

Membranous like glomerulopathy with masked IgG Kappa deposits

  • Light microscopy = classic MN, 25% proliferative changes. Routine Negative IF. But on EM you can see the sub epithelial, and mesangial changes.

  • Paraffin IF – opens up epitopes for ab to bind. Lights up the masked IgGk deposits.

  • Laser capture microdissection suggests serum amyloid P might be an antigenic target

  • Young females, preserved renal function, nephrotic range proteinuria, 55% positive ANA, 2% met SLE criteria

  • Orphan disease - treatment unclear, 44% CKD/ESKD.

  • Can recur in transplant.

  • Probably an autoimmune disease rather than paraprotein disease.


Idiopathic membranous can antigen switch (e.g. IgG1 early and IgG4 later in disease)



Beck & Salant KI 2010

Membranous like glomerulopathy with masked IGG kappa despots (MGMID) AKA serum amyloid P associated glomerulopathy

  • Requires Paraffin IF to make diagnosis
  • Rare, 41 cases, IF neg, paraffin IF – Strong IgG -Kappa staining
  • Young (mean age 26), white, vague autoimmune. Tends not have NS. no underlying neoplasia. 25/26 neg electrophoresis. (Larsen, KI reports 2016)
  • Laser captures microdissection identified serum amyloid P (using mass spec). Can confirm diagnosis by staining with serum amyloid P.